To succed in 5S - The PDCA applied to 5S
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The PDCA applied to 5S
Let's summarize the PDCA of an implemented 5S project
1 - PLAN ( Preparation ) :
- Allow yourself the necessary means for obtaining detailed
- knowledge on using the 5S approach,
- Determine the pilot sector and the individuals involved,
- Create a piloting comittee and define their respective roles,
- Plan the project's progress,
- Define the success indicators.
5S-Toolkit includes all the elements for the overall success of this crucial phase for the success of the 5S project.
2 - DO (Make, Apply) :
- Implement each step of the defined planning level,
- The project manager should carefully follow the established progress planning level,
The manager's regular presence on the field and the tracking device are crucial elements for ensuring the success of this approach.
3 - CHECK (Control) :
Measure the achieved progress -Using the chosen indicators, it is possible to compare the achieved results for fixed objectives-.
2 types of indicators are to be monitored:
- Process indicators: involves lead times for incomplete measures, a number of possible suggestions
- Result indicators: the obtained 5S level, 5S impact on quality, costs, lead times, security, environment.
5S-ToolKit includes all the printed forms for the documentation and display of these indicators.
The Display Panel model facilitates the procedures for communicating these indicators to the entire staff.
4 - ACT (Act, react) :
When negative variations are found, the analysis of the root causes must take place with the project group.
Additional corrective actions are then added to the action plans. For successful project phases, capitalization of best practices is done while improving the progress standard of the pilot area.
Important Note: good reporting on exemplary achievements gives recognition to the Task Force Groups and fosters the generalization of the 5S approach in other areas of the company.