To succed in 5S
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Following the PDCA cycle is the best method for structuring the 5S approach and guaranteeing its success.
PDCA means:
P = PLAN (Prepare)
- Establishing an objective for improvement
- Defining the plan of actions
- Choosing the indicators for success
D = DO (Make, Apply)
- Implementation of a plan of action defined in the P phase
C = CHECK (Control)
- Evaluer les écarts (comparer P et D)
A = ACT (Be and Respond)
- Finding the causes for variations and applying corrective measures
- Standardizing the best practice to obtain its durability
- Defining objectives for new improvements
To apply the PDCA course carefully is one of the necessary conditions for success. It prevents the need to stop after the D phase while clarifying the C and A phases that are the very essence of continuous improvement (verify the anticipated results, to correct possible variations, capitalize on what has been learned and continue to improve)