Kanban Training
Article Index
Kanban Training Workshop to do what?
This training-workshop allows to understand and control the Kanban Elements as a whole, through a case study and a game.
What you can learn :
- The way Fixed Batch Size Kanban works
- The Sequencer and its working
- The Sizing of the Kanban loop and of the shop stock
- The progress approach
Whom this training-workshop is addressed to ?
- Production Units Managers, Supervisors
- Quality, Methods, Logistic and Sales Managers and Technicians
- Operators, Team Leaders
Training Workshop Organization
Training duration :
- 2 days
Program :
- Introduction - Kaizen
- The Fixed Batch Size Kanban
- The withdrawal system
- Flows general organization
- The Kanban / MRP Connection
- Case Study
- Kanban game
- Practical application in the production line