The Kaizen State of Mind
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From the fact that every problem is a source of progress, Kaizen or the Continuous Improvement seeks to :
- Make participate every person of the company in the progress achievement
- {mosimage}Focus in the involvement of people
- Control the current situation
- Challenge and Improve continuously the way of doing things
Kaizen and Innovation to increase the gap!
Kaizen is an Continuous Improvement Approach which is completed with Innovation (TRIZ) :
Abstract of the 12 Principles, the essence of the Continuous - Improvement - State of Mind (Kaizen)
The 12 Principles of Kaizen that have been identified by AL-Consulting, make part of the course of action and state of mind that should be adopted by every person who participates in a continuous improvement process. Here are the first steps :
- Abandon fixed ideas, rejecting how things are today
- Rather than explain why things can not be done, think of ways to do them
- Implement immediately the good proposals for improvement.
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The PDCA as a mean to concretize and carry on the Kaizen State of Mind
The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a process that allows to create an Improvement Plan and ensures the permanent improvement of your companys processes. It is an Indispensable tool for achieving the continuous improvement.
- Establish an improvement target,
- Define the Action Plan,
- Choose the measuring indicators for success.
Is on this basic phase that the whole project depends.
A bad preparation can only bring complications and a waste of time and money.
D = DO (Apply, Carry on)
- To carry on the Action Plan defined during the Phase P.
C = CHECK (Control)
- Check that all the actions were accomplished and that they gave the expected results,
- Evaluate the differences (compare P and D).
A = ACT (Act, React)
- Find out the root causes of the measured differences and apply the corrective actions,
- Standardize the best practice to ensure continuity,
Define objectives to obtain new improvements.