Lean Management et Performance Industrielle
A lire : l'article sur le colloque "Performance industrielle" à Montpellier où Joseph Costa Consultant Expert AL Consulting a fait
une présentation sur le Lean Management.
Cet article est paru en kiosque le 6 novembre dans "Création d'entreprise magazine".
Today, every day, in your company, dozens of ideas are born and disappear without ever being applied, although they could have brought you a benefit in performance and competitiveness.
These ideas, sometimes simple and low cost, only ask to be exploited.
In order to do that, you have to give your collaborators a chance to :
1. express and formalize their improvement idea
2. obtain a decision on their interest after study
3. see their ideas applied by themselves or a third party if the result of the study is positive
The "classic" idea box was a low efficiency solution: left in a corner, often forgotten by all and looked at with distrust.
Today, AL Consulting offers you a simple solution, allowing to collect and manage the ideas parented by your teams, a solution that favors dialogue and transparency while applying the retained ideas.
This tool is called IdeasMine, the idea box of the XXIst century.
IdeasMine allows to fully explore the progress wish of all your collaborators.
IdeasMine, Why ?
- It allows each person to be an Actor of Progress,
- It favors the initiatives, creativity and the know-how development,
- It helps the Manager to develop the participation of all his Collaborators,
- It creates an additional opportunity for dialogue between the Manager and his Collaborators,
- It accelerates the deployment of the necessary Progress in order to reach our objectives,
- It develops personnel implication and valorizes the Actors of Progress,
- It improves the work conditions.
To suggest, to realize an « II », means to contribute to the Progress Dynamics of the Company!
We call Improvement Idea any progress idea, which aims to improve
- The work conditions,
- The processes,
- Productivity,
- Quality,
- Costs, delays
- Security,
- The environment,
- ...
Application area
The IdeasMine system concerns all the personnel (managerial staff, employees, temps) from the third sector, administrative, support, B.E., ...
- The IdeasMine system on Intranet / Extranet,
- E-mail for the idea creation/modification notifications and for comments.
Each one's role
- It is the guarantor of the good functioning of the IdeasMine system.
- It makes the 1st analysis of the II,
- It chooses the responsible for each II,
- Has no hierarchical power in different sectors
- It is the interface between employees, the support functions to facilitate the communication between the different actors and favor the system dynamics.
- It defines and validates the monthly report that is transmitted to the HR Department, to the site responsibles and the supervisors.
- It organizes the communication all around the IdeasMine system, in connection with the communication service.
- He stimulates the emission and creation of II from the team members ,
- He helps the authors, if they ask for it, to write their II,
- He ensures the realization of the II that will be attributed to him,
- He informs regularly the authors about the progress of the II of which he is responsible, updating the idea in the system,
- Stimulates membership and valorizes the ensemble of his team, commenting the indicators at reunions.
- Participate effectively in the system, creating ideas regularly,
- Bring their support for the responsible associated to their idea, in order to facilitate the application,
- Follows regularly the progress of the II's he has emitted for the whole way and comments of the system.
The lifecycle of an II has 4 stages :
- Idea put forward,
- Idea in study,
- Idea being applied,
- Idea accomplished.
In case of impossibility, the idea could eventually be filled as "non-retained".
- The II is put forward with the help of the "MAKE AN IDEA" form in the system.
- The II is analyzed by the administrator. If the decision « retained-non retained » requires a deeper study, the author must obtain a 1st response within 8 days. The idea has changed its state to "Being Analyzed".
- The II is accomplishable. The pilot and the accomplishment term are defined. The II changes state to "In Progress" for a maximal period of 3 months. If this term is surpassed, the idea is returned to the responsible that has to give an answer in 4 days.
- The II is accomplished. We inform the author and the II goes to the state of "Accomplished Idea". After that, it will be archived.
If the II is not accomplishable, we explain why to the author and we declare as "Non retained ideas". After that, it will be archived.
The functioning of the system
The IdeasMine system is made of :
- An Intranet / Extranet module,
- a document concerning the application methodology,
- a User Guide,
- a Moderator Guide.
The Extranet / Intranet module:
This system can be supplied to you as a hosted service. In this case, your company will be able to access it through a link like this :
This space is reserved for you and there are security systems in place to guarantee the confidentiality of your data.
If you prefer, it is also possible to buy the system and install it on your servers (the system is Mysql / PHP compatible). In this case, you will also be able to benefit from installation assistance, together with your IT department.
In both cases, the system will be "customizable" according to the graphics of your company.
This system, very easy to use, can be tested here :
Login : demo
Password: demo
The application methodology :
Fruit of our 20 years experience of installing industrial productivity tools, this document details the essential stages for starting the system. It will allow you to save valuable time and to avoid the pitfalls normally encountered.
The User/Moderator Guides :
These documents are identical to the ones used by AL Consulting consultants in their counseling and training missions for installing an Improvement Ideas system.
They will allow to explain very well to the ensemble of the personnel what is an Improvement Idea, what are the stakes of the system and why everyone has an interest to participate.
The document meant for the responsibles/administrators highlights the importance of their role for the success of the action, and also the tasks they will have to accomplish in this frame.
Appliquer le Lean à la Conception
d'Usines et de Bâtiments compétitifs
Éviter des handicaps structurels durables pour les usines et les bâtiments
Un constat : une fois construits, beaucoup d'usines et de bâtiments freinent l'intégration des meilleures pratiques comme le Lean et le respect de l'environnement.
Ceci constitue un handicap structurel pour l'exploitant. AL Consulting l'a vérifié à travers ses 18 années de mise en place du Lean dans plus de 250 sites sur les 5 continents
En créant des avantages compétitifs structurels durables
Tout se joue au niveau de la conception des usines et des bâtiments.
C'est à ce stade qu' AL Consulting accompagne les concepteurs de façon à ce que l'unité, une fois réalisée, facilite l'intégration des meilleures pratiques comme le Lean et respecte l'environnement, en particulier, sur le plan de la consommation énergétique.
La situation qui en résulte donne des avantages compétitifs élevés et durables pour l'exploitant.
Avec un faible investissement au bon moment de la conception
Par rapport au coût du projet, les prestations apportées par AL Consulting représentent un faible coût. Elles interviennent le plus en amont possible, au moment décisif, pour apporter un grand bénéfice à la fois pour le concepteur mais surtout pour l'exploitant.
Un de nos clients exprime ainsi les résultats de notre collaboration :
« Pour notre projet de nouvelle usine, RIETER AUTOMOTIVE souhaitait disposer d'une approche structurée et didactique et faire travailler un groupe multifonctions et international sur ce sujet.
Nous avons choisi AL Consulting pour sa notoriété et sa connaissance du Lean.
La proposition faite était adaptée à nos attentes et à nos spécificités.
Animé par un consultant senior d'AL Consulting, le travail du groupe a permis de bien définir, dans l'esprit Lean, les flux internes et externes et l'implantation globale des surfaces de production, services, locaux techniques. »
Jean Olivier Lescaroux This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Et avec la méthode Lean d'AL Consulting
AL Consulting intervient auprès de vous au bon moment dans la conception de votre unité. Nous voyons la conception d'une usine comme l'intégration de plusieurs composantes :
Usine ou Bâtiment = Projet + Collaborateurs + Infrastructures environnantes + Flux + Bâtiment + Équipements + Énergie/réseau/environnement + gestion du projet
La méthodologie que nous pratiquerons Ensemble :
- Définir la valeur de l'usine avec une vue Client
- Identifier le flux de Valeur en suivant le produit
- Se focaliser sur les flux (produits et informations) et les rendre « LEAN »
- Éliminer TOUS les gaspillages et Optimiser l'utilisation de toutes les ressources
- Une entité (usine, bureau, magasin) souple et flexible orientée vers l'excellence qui accélère une dynamique de progrès continu.
Votre Contact :
Maurice Andriamihaja
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AL Consulting Group
+33 6 63 29 06 73
To guarantee a SUSTAINABLE of Lean principles, it is required to define and implement an organization that will make it possible to:
- use these simple tools
- acquire new working strategies where energetic and determined progress is the key word.
What are the primary principles of this organization?
- Reduction in the size of teams (a maximum of 8 to 12 individuals) that are responsible for a physical area and of a well identified work flow
- A small hierarchy in charge of 2 to 3 production lines with a staff of approximately 20 people
- A strongly developed communication procedure
- Communication areas by product lines
- A 5-minute daily meeting
- A 30-minute monthly meeting
- Visual management development (5S, obvious TPM, activity chart)
For companies that follow this concept, the following key elements reflecting the involvement of people can always be found: Motivation, Competence and Communication.
Communication, which is the key element of collective efficiency, is always placed at the lowest level on the priorities list, but in reality, it has a positive impact on individual motivation and competence.