The Kaizen State of Mind

 From the fact that every problem is a source of progress, Kaizen or the Continuous Improvement seeks to :




Kaizen and Innovation to increase the gap!

Kaizen is an Continuous Improvement Approach which is completed with Innovation (TRIZ) :







  • Progress by "Small Steps "


  • The usual known how (savoir faire)


  • Actions involving the whole staff


  • Reflection, perseverance, and rigor


  • Directed to the people


  • Progress by "Big Steps"


  • New Technological Means


  • Actions reserved to Experts


  • Important Investments


  • Directed to technology








Abstract of the 12 Principles, the essence of the Continuous - Improvement - State of Mind (Kaizen)

The 12 Principles of Kaizen that have been identified by AL-Consulting, make part of the course of action and state of mind that should be adopted by every person who participates in a continuous improvement process. Here are the first steps :

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The PDCA as a mean to concretize and carry on the Kaizen State of Mind

The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a process that allows to create an Improvement Plan and ensures the permanent improvement of your company’s processes. It is an Indispensable tool for achieving the continuous improvement.

Is on this basic phase that the whole project depends.
A bad preparation can only bring complications and a waste of time and money.

D = DO (Apply, Carry on)

C = CHECK (Control)

A = ACT (Act, React)

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