Lean & Green System

Lean & Green System®,

an engine for Eco-Performance

(or for Sustainable Competitiveness)

The LEAN & GREEN model suggested below ties in just one System the LEAN and the GREEN (to design the Sustainable Development).

The LEAN system (left of the scheme) represents the process that has the GREEN for result (right side of the scheme).

What are the advantages in making this connection?

The "GREEN" is today o major preoccupation for all and applying the "LEAN" is an efficient way to accomplish it.
















Concerning the "LEAN" subsystem
Lean tools are all dedicated to improving the overall performance for the simultaneous satisfaction of the Client to Shareholders and Staff
The Lean organization is the one that implicates durably all of the people, valorizing strongly competence, motivation and communication.

The search for performance through everyone's implication is the key point of the LEAN

Concerning the "GREEN" subsystem
The environment aspect, issued by the concern to protect the planet obligates to choose environment indicators in the search for performance (Carbon Balance, Lifecycle, Products recycling...)
The Eco dimension is the key point of the GREEN

The reunion of the 2 subsystems, the "LEAN & GREEN System" and their application may be considered as an engine for Eco-Performance.

The double arrow in the center means that the focus on the result has return effects on the process, and, vice versa, a process well managed will allow to achieve the expected result.

In the same way, the LEAN system includes components (the oval ones) that retro activate (the double arrows) positively ones on the others.

A simple example of this retroactivity is the following : The application of the 5S tools reinforces the comprehension of the continuous progress principle, which in turn causes a change in behavior that guarantees the continuity of the action taken.

This virtuous circle accelerates the global performance of the entities that choose this model.
The global objective of this system is to "DO MORE WITH LESS", to give a competitive edge to the company, to win markets, to sustain current employment and business development while optimizing resource utilization.

Let us clarify a bit the LEAN part of the System.
1. Guiding principles :

  • Focusing on Customer Satisfaction, the Shareholder and Staff by identifying value for each party
  • Focusing on the product and information flows, reducing the process Lead-Time (the time between the expressed demand and it's satisfaction)
  • The continuous improvement (or incremental innovation) brought by the ensemble of collaborators, using tools to simplify, identify and eliminate all the operation without added value (the waste)
  • The search for breakthrough innovations (or pierced) again with a minimum Lead-Time

2. The organization to involve :

  • The establishment of small progress groups, that appropriate their processes, their installations and that pilot their process and result indicators.
  • The communication of the objectives and action plans for the help of the "A3", the visual Management, which facilitate the communication of the knowledge and know-how.
  • The QRQC or QRQM approach (Quick Response Quality Control or Management) which standardizes the problem solving management.
  • Compliance with operating standards, the basis of continuous improvement, established with those who must apply them.

3. Tools for action

  • The 5S, foundations for continuous improvement, school of rigor, simple concretization of the visual management.
  • The Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to map the product and information flows, define the target and the Lead-time objective.
  • The Methods for Solving Problems in the Group (MRPG) to go beyond immediate solutions.

2 of these 3 components (the guiding principles and the organization to implicate) are quasi-invariants that adapt perfectly to all sectors of the business.

Only the tool component will present specificities according to the considered sector (a few examples : the TCO (Total Cost Ownership) for a purchasing service, I-TRIZ or the War-Room for the R&D, PIC and PDP for the supply-Chain,)


How to implement successfully?

The decision managers must be the promoters of this system, it's a priority condition.
By allocating the necessary initial resources, they will allow "the engine to start", organizing the management for their support, they will ensure the sustainability of the accomplished processes and the acceleration of the company development.

Valuing people, providing a pleasant and safe working environment, motivating and ensuring the sustainability of jobs is social.

The economic dimension is not forgotten in the sense that the pursuit of quality, eliminating waste are factors of cost reduction.

The combination of the two key components, Human Development base of a Durable Performance produces well the Durable Development with it's 3 components (social, economical and environmental)

In summary,
The choice of this system, the will and perseverance of the leader are the energy to start the "Eco-Performance Engine" of the company.
Once launched, the engine self-fuels, the established organization generates the necessary "fuel" for the development of the system, which, in turn, will generate the eco-growth of the company, contributing with a form of


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About the author of this article :
André Langlois, ENSAM engineer, has spent 15 years in the automotive industry.
He has created AL Consulting in April 1991 and IdealTech in January 2000.

AL Consulting offers its clients support in the implementation of Lean system (or Lean & Green).
Very often, the companies wish to start with the operational part (Manufacturing, production of services, Supply-Chain..) and then back upstream to the services (Office, Engineering, R & D).

AL Consulting is a member of "Project LEAN ENTERPRISE" and APRAT association of more than 3000 consultants.

IdealTech masters the methodologies I-TRIZ-TRIZ ® and Eco ® and assists companies seeking competitive advantage through breakthrough innovation.

IdealTech helps its clients define and implement a strategy "Lean & Green Innovation ®"to optimize resources, reduce lead-time for "Innovating Better With Less. "

Lean & Green System® is a registered trademark of AL Consulting
Lean & Green Innovation®, I-TRIZ® et Eco-TRIZ® are registered trademarks of IdealTech

Copyright AL Consulting 2009 - All rights reserved

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