5S : The Strong Fondations of Lean Manufacturing

To say that the 5S approach is the foundation of Lean Manufacturing is to clarify the two following points:

  1. What are the primary features of Lean Manufacturing?
  2. What is the foundation in this 5S approach?

The following pages will provide you with some answers....

1. Primary features of Lean Manufacturing

To plan and create a better, quicker and less expensive way of producing sustainable products (respectful of the environment) that meet the needs of clients, staff, and shareholders of companies is the main goal of Lean Manufacturing.

For this purpose, it is necessary to use all resources as best as possible, including those within the company, especially such resources as:

It’s the proper use of these resources that provides a generating system with a concept for progress and tools that will allow for a defined direction for this purpose.

The abandonment of existing concepts and the consideration of how to make changes as opposed to explaining what cannot be done are commonly accepted characteristics known as Continuing Improvement or Kaizen.

A systematic research on the elimination of waste is an applied concept for this way of thinking.

7 types of situations where loss usually occurs concerning goods and services are found in the following areas:

The Total Productive Maintenance, analysis and simplification of products and information activities, prompt reference change, the Kanban system, suggestions from staff members and the 5S approach are among the tools to be used for the elimination of wasted efforts and loss in the workplace.

2. The 5S Approach as the Foundation for the process

In this set of tools, the 5S approach occupies a privileged place for the four following reasons:

Examples :
The 5S approach is the base for the construction of all approaches leading to progress.

Simplicity, universality and necessity are the adjectives that best characterize Lean Manufacturing foundations.

These foundations applied according to their best strategy will increase your odds for success in the layout of your business while using other Lean Manufacturing components.
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